Use a text box to add a title, custom annotations, or detailed information panels anywhere in your Jigs.
To add a text box to a Jig, follow these steps:
- Open your Jig file and navigate to the step where you want to add the text box
- Click “Text” from the "Add content" menu
- Type your text into the text box
- Format the text color and size as necessary in the text box panel
- Optional: change the background color or material by clicking on the color palette icon
- Move, scale, or rotate your text box into position

Once you have added a text box to your step, there are several useful things you can do with it. Here are a few examples below.
You can also add text-based labels or step instructions that appear in a specific part of the Jig interface. Read more:
How to use text boxes in 3D presentations
Add titles next to your 3D models
Add a large text box to give your 3D presentation a title. This could be the name of the product or the subject of your content. You can format the background of the text box to be transparent or a bright contrasting color to the text font. Text box words and formatting can change from step to step if you wish, so be sure to check your formatting and ensure it is consistent.

Highlight important points or call outs
Use text boxes to highlight important points or call-outs on your step. You can format the text box with a colored background, transparency, or 3D material.

Panel/detailed text
Add detailed annotations or descriptions in a fixed position next to your 3D models. Drag the text box into position and rotation angle, and the text will stay fixed regardless of where your viewers or camera position is. See this augmented reality example below.

Visual navigation
JigSpace enables the use of multiple 3D models in the same presentation to show a series of instructional steps or complex technical processes. Add text boxes to accompany these process steps and ensure viewers follow a set visual sequence.
Combine a text box with JigSpace’s free shapes and effects by dragging your text box to sit in front of the 3D models and hiding the text box background.

Add text to your 3D models
Add text boxes to sit on top of your 3D models to enrich your presentation or replace missing text not contained in your CAD files. After adding a text box to your presentation step, drag it to sit in front of the 3D model, adjust its rotation and scale, and hide the text box background to make it appear part of the 3D model.

Using text boxes across multiple steps in a Jig
Adding text boxes to multi-step Jigs
If adding a text box to a presentation with 2 or more steps, you will be asked if you want to add this text box to all steps, or only a specific step.
You should select all steps if you wish to use the same text box in multiple steps. You may want to do this for Titles, or to have a consistent detailed description

Text box formatting transitions from step to step
Like a 3D model in JigSpace, the color, size, position, rotation, and scale formatting can change from step to step. The actual text characters and words can also change from step to step. You can take advantage of this to use the same formatting and approximate position for different text on each slide, or to highlight key elements with different formatting (like color).
If you wish to set all formatting of the same text box to the same size, color, scale, rotation, or position you can use the Replicate Tool:
- Select the text box
- Click and hold (or long-press on iPad) on the toolbar attribute you want to copy
- Select which steps you want to copy this formatting to
- You can also select multiple attributes to copy in one action

Text box preview
Below is a preview of how text boxes render and appear in a Jig.