It is important to add or update your Jig’s information when you are ready to save and share.To do this tap on the Information menu {icon-information.svg} on the side menu. Once this is open there are several options you can fill in.
1. Jig name
Get creative and give your Jig the perfect name, try to use something descriptive so you can find your Jig later.
2. Description
Add a description to summarize the Jig contents or give instructions to the people you are sharing it with, let others know what your Jig is about. This information will be visible when you tap on your Jig in the Jig Menu, so try to be detailed and clear about what the Jig is exploring.
3. Tags
All tags need to be separated by commas. Try to keep tags as simple words (like the model name, model version, the department they’re for, its progress status (ie. Drillrig, V3, Marketing, Complete) will help make your Jig easier to find when using the search bar in the Jig menu.
4. Thumbnail
The Thumbnail is the image that will be displayed on the Jig Menu as a visual indication of what this Jig is about.
5. Background color
Sometimes a 3D model appears better on a different colored background, especially when you are not viewing it in augmented reality, you can change from the default white color background to make it pop.
6. Auto-play steps
Set your Jig to advance through each step automatically when in the viewing mode, you can set the time delay for each step in seconds and choose to loop your presentation.
7. Sharing
Create a copy of your Jig, this is great if you need different versions of the same Jig.